Healthelicious Foods Text Logo
Blow away any mental fog and boost your physical energy!
Take your healthy eating to the top level: restorative nutrition
with food made with my good foods mantra - “purity, density and diversity.”

Product Price List

This is a list of products with their retail, carton and bulk prices. (For an explanation of the Healthelicious Pricing and Shipping Policy please click here:)

After you scroll down past the Trial Packs, the product names are in blue text. For more information about a product, click the product name to take you to the product page.

Trial Pack - Bars

Trial Pack Bars

This is an opportunity for you to try my core and special purpose energy/nutrition bars at the carton price. In this trial pack you will receive one or more of whatever of the following I have in stock:

The cost for this Trial Pack is $133 including postage and handling within Australia.

For shipment to other countries, drop me an email for pricing.

Trial Pack - Slices

When I make these tasty snacks I add no artificial colours, flavour or preservatives.

This is an opportunity for you to try my tasty slices at the carton price. In this trial pack you will receive one or more of whatever of the following I have in stock:

The cost for this is $122 including postage and handling to anywhere in Australia.

For shipment to other countries, drop me an email for pricing.

Trial Pack - Bars and Slices

When I make these healthy energy bars and snacks I add no artificial colours, flavour or preservatives.

This is an opportunity for you to try my core and special purpose energy/nutrition bars and tasty slices at the carton price. In this trial pack you will receive one or more of whatever of the following I have in stock:

  • Acai Berry Slice
  • Apple Slice
  • Apricot Slice
  • Cacao Slice
  • Cherry Slice
  • Choc Chip Slice
  • Chocolate and Fruit Rocky Road
  • Chocolate and Macadamia Rocky Road Slice
  • ChocoNut Slice
  • Coconut and Macadamia Slice
  • Cranberry Slice
  • Goji Berry Slice
  • Intense Desire Slice
  • Mango Slice
  • Nut Slice
  • Raspberry Slice
  • Strawberry Slice

Each slice weighs at least 50 grams.

The cost for this is $225 including postage and handling to anywhere in Australia.

For shipment to other countries, drop me an email for pricing.

NutriBlast Core Nutrition Greens Powders

To go to the page for a product, click on the product name. To purchase the product, click the Select Rate drop down to choose to buy 1 or to pay less by buying more then click Add to Cart.

NutriBlast Greens Plus General Nutrition Blend

NutriBlast Greens Plus

Goal: to remedy nutritional deficiencies with as wide a range as possible of nutrient dense ingredients.
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NutriBlast Greens Plus Vegan

NutriBlast Greens Plus Vegan

Goal: to reach as close as possible to the Greens Plus with vegan ingredients.
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NutriBlast Specialty Nutrition Greens Powders

Over the holiday break in Jan 2014 I spent some time looking for ingredients proven or reputed to have benefits for different non-optimum health conditions from which several people I know suffer. I have now made a blend full of ingredients that I would take for each of those conditions.

I do not have the budget of a big pharmaceutical company. I have not spent millions doing top notch trials with thousands of people to be able to say with scientific certainty what chance you have of each of my specialty blends solving a particular health problem for you.

What I can tell you is this. The US Surgeon General had enough data and conviction to state that 8 of the top 10 causes of death relate directly to poor nutrition. Note he did not say that they died due to a lack of the right drug. He said they died of nutritional deficiencies.

What I am hoping to do with my powders is remedy nutritional deficiencies. I cannot guarantee they will do that for you. If for no other reason that you may have a condition preventing the absorption of nutrients that needs to be remedied first.

That is why it is important you seek the advice of a practioner skilled and sxperienced in resolving health problems with nutrition.

NutriBlast Anti-Parasite Blend

Anti-Parasite Blend

Goal: to help the body eliminate parasites.
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NutriBlast Anti-Spike Blend

Anti-Spike Blend

Goal: to help the body stop making the spike protein and recover from the effects of it.
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Cellular Detox Blend

Cellular Detox Blend

Goal: to help the body dislodge and eliminate toxins from within and outside the cells.
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Detox Binders Blend

Detox Binders Blend

Goal: to bind to toxins in the digestive system to ensure their elimination and prevent reabsorption.
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Diabetes Support Blend

Diabetes Support Blend

Goal: to help the body maintain a more ideal blood glucose level.
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Digest Easy Blend

Digest Easy Blend

Goal: to deliver improved nutrition to people with a wide variety of gut issues.
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Heavy Metals Detox Blend

Heavy Metals Detox Blend

Goal: to help the body expel heavy metals.
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Hypertension Blend

Hypertension Blend

Goal: to help the body normalize high blood pressure.
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Immune Support Blend

Immune Support Blend

Goal: to boost the body’s ability to respond to immune challenges.
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Kidney Support Blend

Kidney Support Blend

Goal: to help the body improve kidney function and open pathways to boost toxin elimination.
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Liver Support Blend

Liver Support Blend

Goal: to help the body improve liver function and open pathways to boost toxin elimination.
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Memory and Intelligence Blend

Memory & Intelligence Blend

Goal: to help improve mental function, clarity and reduce the incidence of senior moments and mental fog.
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Mens Blend

Men’s Blend

Goal: to help men in the bedroom and with prostate function.
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Mothers Blend

Mother’s Blend

Goal: to safely nourish a preconceiving, pregnant or lactating body and prevent morning sickness.
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Protein Plus

Protein Plus

Goal: to deliver the 8 essential amino acids in correct ratio plus ingredients to aid absorption/utilization.
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Sleep Support Blend

Sleep Support Blend

Goal: to help the body improve sleep function.
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Stem Cell Support Blend

Stem Cell Support Blend

Goal: to help the body increase the release of stem cells to improve rejuvenation and lower the symptoms of aging.
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Weight Loss Support Blend

Weight Loss Support Blend

Goal: to help the body maintain an idela weight by regulating blood sugar and suppressing appetite.
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Energy and Nutrition Bars

Core Range

The difference between the bars in my core range is simply number of ingredients and strength of flavour. As I learned more about the incredible health benefits of different ingredients and added more and more ingredients to my list and created bars that delivered a wider range of nutrients, some people said they would prefer a less strongly flavoured bar, could they keep buying the prior version. So I now have 6 core bars.

I also have 5 bars for specific purposes. More about them below.

You are welcome to order as many or as few as you like. If you order 20 or more bars/slices at one time (in any combination) you are entitled to carton pricing.

energy booster bar

Select rate

premium energy bar

Select rate

nutrition booster bar

Select rate:

peak performance bar

Select rate

eXtreme nutrition bar

Select rate

bug-out bar

Select rate

Purpose Specific Bars

Each of the following bars were designed to satisfy a specific nutritional need or accommodate a dietary restriction.

hiprotein bar

Select rate

low FODMAPs bar

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NutiBlast vegan bar

Select rate

keto/diabetic/weight loss bar

Select Rate

vegan bar

Select Rate


This is the delicious part of the Healthelicious range. Not that some of the bars don’t taste good, it’s just that these slices taste from OK to sensational! (Depending on your taste buds.) You’ll eat my food bars for the health benefits - the nutritional content and energy level boost - whereas my slices satisfy your sweet tooth without having loads of sugar and other things we don’t want in our body.

As well as tasting great you will be pleased to know that they are made from ingredients that are as healthy for you as I can make a tasty treat. I add no cane sugar, no artificial flavours, sweeteners or preservatives and no wheat flour.

acai berry slice

Select rate

apple slice

Select rate

apricot slice

Select rate

cacao slice

Select rate

cherry slice

Select rate

chocolate chip slice

Select rate

chocolate and fruit rocky road

Bulk Pricing

chocolate & macadamia rocky road slice

Select rate

choconut slice

Bulk Pricing

coconut and macadamia slice

Select rate

cranberry slice

Select rate

goji berry slice

Select rate

intense desire slice

Select Rate

mango slice

Select rate

“Oh My Goodness!” nut slice

Select rate

raspberry slice

Select rate

strawberry slice

Select rate

Other Goodies

Here are some other items I have been asked to make.

activated seed snaps 224 grams

Select rate:

banana & chocolate chip muffin loaf

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fruit cake

fruit cake and slices


Here are some resources to resolve confusions and feed the mind.

How to Live the Healthiest Life

“How To Live The Healthiest Life” by Tom Grimshaw

Since starting Healthelicious I have lost count of the amount of time I have spent on health and longevity research but it would very conservatively be over 2,500 hours. In order to share what I have learned from both centuries old remedies and the latest research, here is a 1,700+ page compilation of data that will dispel myths, expose lies, resolve confusions and give you a step by step approach to build your physical health and strength as well as your mental health, memory, intelligence and comprehension speed.

You have the option of purchasing a downloadable PDF for $77 or a printed version for $185 including postage. If you purchase the printed version I will still send you the PDF as from it you can more easily click on a link to go to some of the web pages from which I have sourced data.

Downloadable PDF only:
Both PDF and printed versions:

Have You Got The GUTS to be REALLY Healthy?

“Have You Got The GUTS to be REALLY Healthy?” by Don Chisholm $21.95

Have you got the guts points out the many myths that we have been led to believe are good for us, when in truth they are detrimental to our very existence. Don spent over 10 years traveling the world and worked in many clinics all over the world in his quest for his own health. The end result is a belief that there are no conditions that cannot be improved; many that supposedly have no cure are just a matter of dehydration combined with malnutrition.

So do you feel you have the guts to be really healthy? Read Dons approach to health and see how easy it would be to be one or two rungs higher on your health scale.

The Healing Power of Food

“The Healing Power of Food” by Cheryl Reid $25

Cheryl handled her husband’s stage IV lymphoma with diet. This is their story along with 170 recipes you can use to replicate their technique.

Other Items

Some other items I use as ingredients and also make available to you to purchase to aid your quest for optimal nutrition and health.

Fulvic Minerals

Fulvic Minerals

The body cannot utilise vitamins in the absence of minerals. Our fruit and vegetables are grown in minerally deficient soil. Click on the heading to read more about this often overlooked key to adequate nutrition and optimal weight. These fulvic minerals come in either a 50 gram bottle with dropper or 100 grams of powder. Recommended dosage is one drop (in purified water or juice) per 8 kg of body weight, twice a day. So if you weigh 70 kilos you would take 9 drops twice a day.

A 50 ml bottle would last about 6 weeks. A 100 gram packet of the powder would last about 15 months. So the powder is a bit of work to mix into a bottle but a lot more economical.

Product & Quantity
100 grams of Powder $189 including postage
100 grams of Powder plus jewellers scales $204 including postage

2012 Probiotics

2012 Probiotics

A blend of gluten free wholefoods broken down by a superculture of probiotics (food based probiotics). Certified organic and made with selected gluten free wholefoods, in a readily absorbable format.

Strains of Probiotics Included

All the following Lactobacillus bacteria are used in the fermentation process and are cultured from food. They are not dairy or fecal matter or laboratory bred.

  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus Delbrueckii
  • Lactobacillus Caseii
  • Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
  • Lactobacillus Caucasicus
  • Lactobacillus Fermenti
  • Lactobacillus Plantarum
  • Lactobacillus Brevis
  • Lactobacillus Helveticus
  • Lactobacillus Lactis
  • Bifidabacterium Bifidum
  • Saccharomyces Boulardii
  • Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

These yeast strains are added to the formulation of the Organic 2012 and are responsible for the presence of B-Vitamins so necessary to maintain health.

This is the same product I put in my top food bars and powders to aid you in absorbing the most nutrition possible from each bar.

Here is a link to an article explaining the benefits of healthy bacteria in your gut:

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