Blow away any mental fog and boost your physical energy!
Take your healthy eating to the top level: restorative nutrition
with food made with my good foods mantra - “purity, density and diversity.”
Take your healthy eating to the top level: restorative nutrition
with food made with my good foods mantra - “purity, density and diversity.”
Noni fruit, an ancient Polynesian healing remedy, has at least 76 potential health benefits backed by recent scientific evidence Noni, a fruit grown from the Morinda citrifolia tree and a member of the coffee family, is a tropical fruit native to the Pacific Islands. Noni has been used for thousands of years as a natural healing remedy.[i] In recent years, however, noni's extract and juices have been proven to lower blood pressure, improve immunity, speed wound healing and increase physical endurance, among other health benefits.
From: https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/food-cooking/76-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-noni-1/
Noni is normally used in the following Healthelicious products:
- bug out bar
- NutiBlast® vegan bar
- keto/weight loss bar
- NutriBlast® greens+ nutrition powder
- NutriBlast® greens+ vegan nutrition powder
- NutriBlast® detox blend
- NutriBlast® diabetes blend
- NutriBlast® hypertension blend
- NutriBlast® immune blend
- NutriBlast® memory blend
- NutriBlast® men’s blend
- NutriBlast® weight loss/keto blend