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Blow away any mental fog and boost your physical energy!
Take your healthy eating to the top level: restorative nutrition
with food made with my good foods mantra - “purity, density and diversity.”

Introduction to Healthelicious

G’day from Tom Grimshaw, the founder and owner of Healthelicious Foods.

Before you make the decision of whether or not to give my energy bars a try, I figure I owe you a personal explanation of how and why a software developer came to be making healthy food bars and why I plan to eat one of my Peak Performance Bars every day for the rest of my life.

In 2008 my youngest daughter Cadienne was working past dinner time. Cadienne was mostly vegetarian, so if they dished her up a lamb stew, she’d go buy a Mars bar!

I thought, “Heck! Even I can do better than that!” despite not being the cook in the family.

So I started experimenting with ingredients I had in the kitchen with the intention of making her a healthy meal replacement. My Energy Booster Bar had a limited number of natural, healthy, energising ingredients: Coconut, Cashews, Macadamia Nuts, Apricots, Sultanas, Honey, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Tahini, Cacao, Maca Powder, Cinnamon and Nutmeg.

Cadienne liked them and gave some to her friends to try. Pretty soon I was making 6 kilos of them a week!

Her friends found they had more energy from eating one of my bars than they did from their normal diet.

I wondered, “What’s going on that a non-nutritionally trained software developer can make a food bar that gives people more energy than their normal diet?”

I wondered, “What’s going on that a non-nutritionally trained software developer can make a food bar that gives people more energy than their normal diet?”

Then I thought, “If I can get this result with just what I had in the kitchen cupboard, how good could I make it if I really tried?”

So I embarked on a steep health and nutrition learning curve. I signed up for more than a dozen health newsletters and spent an incredible amount of time poring over health related web sites for results from the latest research. Here are just some of the places from which I sourced my data:
Health Sciences Institute
Science Daily
Daily Health News
World’s Healthiest Foods
Phillip Day
Nutrition Data
Jon Barron
Mike Adams
Dr Joseph Mercola
Dr Al Sears
Dr Russell Blaycock
Dr Mark Stengler
Dr Anita Pepi

I scoured the internet for potential food bar ingredients with remarkable health benefits and found so many spectacular foods that my top bar now contains over 100 ingredients!

In the process I also discovered how our modern diet is making us fat and sick!

Over the past century our food has deteriorated dramatically in nutrient quality.

Vital minerals and vitamins have significantly declined in some popular foods including potatoes, tomatoes, bananas and apples.

For instance, in Canada, the average potato has lost 100% of its vitamin A, 57% of its vitamin C and iron, 50% of its riboflavin , 28% of its calcium and 18% of its thiamine.

And, just in case you think, “Look, that’s in Canada. It’s different here.” Is it?

Percentage of Mineral Depletion of Soil During for 100 Years to 1992: North America 85% South America 76% Asia 76% Africa 74% Europe 72% Australia 55% quoting from the 1992 Earth Summit Report

Those results were to 1992, which, at the time of writing this, was 19 years ago.

To the best of my knowledge, farming methods have not widely changed since. So those figures are almost certainly a lot worse now.

This has caused our diet to become a significant cause of disease and illness.

Much of the food we now eat alters the very structure of our genes and is the leading cause of the growing epidemic of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, diabetes, cancer and obesity.

While researching I learned that it’s possible to prevent and even reverse the damage from a poor diet by eating natural foods that are high in nutrient density.

In fact, George Mateljan, who has the site, makes an interesting point.

George says, unless you obtain the majority of your calories from his list of the world’s healthiest foods, chances are you’re not getting enough nutrients for the calories you consume.

In which case you will be either undernourished or overweight.

Undernourished if you eat only as many calories as you need to maintain your weight or over weight if you eat enough to satisfy your nutrient requirements.

If the truth be told, a great many people are both. Overweight and undernourished!

This may be the reason my clients tell me that they can eat my nutrient dense energy bars and still lose weight.

I also learned that many of the ills that plague us have known causes and certain remedies. We are just not told about them.

I learned what is profitable for a business to make and sell, even though it tastes great, is not necessarily healthy for your body!

For instance two of the cheapest ingredients on the supermarket shelf are cane sugar and white flour.

They are also 2 of the worst foods you can put in your body!

But that doesn’t stop food manufacturers from including them in a great many of the foods most people eat.

My research taught me that in many cases we have been told the exact opposite of the truth. For example, the lie, “Fat is bad for you!”

It’s not. In fact, the people who eat the most fat have the lowest weight and better health than people who eat the least!

The Framingham Heart Study is a the longest running, continuous study of risk factors in heart disease. You can read more about it at

The study found, “The more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person’s serum cholesterol. It was found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least, and were the most physically active.”

So when you see a new push in the media, ask the question, “Who profits from this?” and follow the money!

Most people are doing the normal – what everybody else does. They eat food that is highly sugared, highly refined, loaded with artificial flavours, artificial colours, preservatives and toxins.

Unfortunately, that directly contributes to the five major factors in degenerative diseases and premature death.

Don’t be normal! With my bars and book I have made it very simple and very easy for you to exit the freeway to an early death.

Illness, disease and early death. Not what I want for me. Not what I want for my family. Not what I want for you.

That’s why my food bars are different! My intention is to make the healthiest food in the world.

My food bars are jam packed with nutrient dense foods that have nutritionists amazed at their contents!

Ingredients: Tahini Paste, Heat Treated Honey, Coconut, Agave Syrup, Apricots, Coconut Oil, Raisins, Sultanas, Currants, Dates, Almond Meal, Brazils, Buckwheat Seeds, Cacao Powder, Cashew Nuts, Chia Seeds, Chickpea, Chlorella, Cranberries, Flaxseed/Linseed, Goji Berries, Hazelnuts, Maca Powder, Macadamia Nuts, Maple Syrup, Pecans, Sesame Seeds, Spirulina, Sunflower Seeds, Vitmain C, Walnuts, Whey Protein Concentrate, Yacon Syrup, FiberAid©, Probiotics, Cacao Nibs, Lecithin, Lúcuma, Mesquite, Pepitas/Pumpkin Seeds, Pistachio Nuts, Cinnamon, Dulse, Apricot Kernels, Blueberries, Caraway Seeds, Pine Nuts, Schisandra Berries, Siberian Ginseng, Vanilla Essence, Acai Berry Powder, Brewers Yeast, Natural Vitamin E, Nopal, Nutmeg, Purple Corn Extract, Stevia, Turmeric, Andrographis, Astragalus, Bacopa, Camu Camu, Cats Claw, Cumin seed powder, Fennel Seed, Fenugreek, Fulvic Minerals, Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola, Graviola, He Shou Wu, Irish Moss, Milk Thistle, Olive Leaf, Oregano, Paw Paw Leaf, Red Clover, Reishi Mushroom Powder, Rhodiola Rosea, Rosehip Powder, Rosemary, Thyme, Tribulus, Vitmain D. FiberAid is a Trademark of Lonza Ltd.

Every bite of healthy food reduces health risk and helps reverse damage.

I hope you grab yourself a trial pack of my healthy energy bars and slices and see how well your body responds to genuine nutrition, designed to improve your mental and physical wellness!

But whether you do or not, thanks for taking the time to listen to what I had to say. I hope it was useful to you.

Eat well. Do well. Live long and prosper!

Click Trial pack

And what I DON’T put in my products is as important as what I do include:

If you have allergies, food intolerances or dietary preferances, click here for an handy reference guide as to which of my products contain what ingredients. To download a pdf of it, click here.

And like all my products, what I leave out is as important as what I put in:

No artificial colours Tick No artificial flavours Tick No artificial fragrances Tick
No cane sugar Tick No excitotoxins Tick No flavour enhancers Tick
No detectable gluten Tick No added preservatives Tick No trans-fats Tick